Aux bordes de l'Oise - (after) Charles-Francois Daubigny
Australian Flower 3 - Marian Ellis Rowan
Illustration from the Book of Simple Medicines by Mattheaus Platearius d.c.1161 c.1470 35 - Robinet Testard
Marble end paper 8 - William Kilburn
Drawing 57-7 Cytisus scoparius (Common Broom) 1903 - Arthur Henry Church
Natura Morta Con Vasi Di Fiori, Funghi E Frutta - (after) Elisabetta Marchioni
Study of a primrose - Charlotte Bronte
The Pontic Rhododendron - (after) Henderson, Peter Charles
Still Life with a Swag of Fruit and Flowers hanging in a Niche - Jacob Rootius