St Michael Killing the Dragon - Josse Lieferinxe
Lunette depicting Psyche undertaking an ordeal set by Venus of retrieving from the underworld a jar containing the beauty of Proserpine, from the Sala di Amore e Psiche, 1528 - Giulio Romano (Orbetto)
The Deliverance- Ruggiero and Angelica, 1876 - Joseph Paul Blanc
St George and the Dragon - Briton Rivière
Plate 27 from Atlas Coelestis, by John Flamsteed 1646-1719, pub. in 1729 - Sir James Thornhill
Perseus and Andromeda - Giuseppe (d'Arpino) Cesari (Cavaliere)
Gradual (fragment) - Italian Miniaturist
Detail of Five Tribute Horses 2 - Gonglin Li