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A Still Life With A Jan-Steen Jug
Order as handmade oil painting A Still Life With A Jan-Steen Jug - Pieter Claesz. |
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A Still Life With A Large Roemer, A Knife Resting On A Silver Plate Bearing A Partly-Peeled Lemon, Walnuts And Hazelnuts, On A Marble Ledge -
Pieter Claesz.
A Still Life With A Roemer, A Crab And A Peeled Lemon On A Pewter Plate -
Pieter Claesz.
A Still Life With An Overturned Silver Tazza, A Silver Plate With A Partly Peeled Lemon And An Olive, With Walnuts And Hazelnuts -
Pieter Claesz.
A Vanitas still life with a partially peeled lemon, grapes and olives on pewter dishes, an overturned gold tazza, an upturned glass -
Pieter Claesz.
Banquet Still Life With A Crab On A Silver Platter, A Bunch Of Grapes, A Bowl Of Olives, And A Peeled Lemon All Resting On A Draped Table -
Pieter Claesz.
Breakfast Still Life With Roemer, Meat Pie, Lemon And Bread -
Pieter Claesz. [locked]
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