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"L'arbre Brise"
Order as handmade oil painting "L'arbre Brise" - Hubert Robert |
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A cannon emplacement in the Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome, looking towards Saint Peter's -
Hubert Robert
A capriccio of a classical arcade and a column with figures conversing before a statue -
Hubert Robert
A capriccio of a classical colonnade and a triumphal arch with a soldier and washerwomen on a bank -
Hubert Robert
A capriccio of a ruined classical temple and a Pyramid with a flight of steps -
Hubert Robert
A capriccio of a tower with figures in the foreground, ruins and the sea beyond -
Hubert Robert
A capriccio of the Campo Vaccino with figures amongst ruins -
Hubert Robert
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Hubert Robert [locked]
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