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Portrait Of Edward Augustus, Duke Of York (1739-1767)
Order as handmade oil painting Portrait Of Edward Augustus, Duke Of York (1739-1767) - Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni |
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Portrait of John Crewe, later 1st Baron Crewe (1742-1829), three-quarter-length, in a gold-embroidered blue coat and waistcoat -
Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Portrait of Robert Udny (1722-1802), half-length, in a gold-trimmed coat, holding a hat and gloves in his right hand, the Temple of the Sybil at Tivol -
Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Portrait Of The Principessa Giacinta Orsini Buoncompagni Ludovisi, Duchessa D'Arce (1749-1759) -
Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni [locked]
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