Mrs Mary Robinson Perdita 1758-1800 c.1781 - George Romney
Devotion Over and Above Duty illustration from Vues de Paris - Henri Bonaventure Monnier
The Birth of Venus (detail 4) c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Recreation - Jenny Montigny
The Porch, Rheims Cathedral, c.1840 - Samuel Prout
An Unsuitable Match - Robert Alexander Hillingford
Town Plan of Grodno from Civitates Orbis Terrarum - (after) Hoefnagel, Joris
Dusk On The Quayside - Viktor Ivanovich Zarubin
Pays a Nocturnal Visit to Dungaree, from The Grand Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan. A Hudibras Poem in Eight Cantos by Quiz, by William Combe 1741-1823 published by Thomas Tegg, London, 1815 - Thomas Rowlandson