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Caricature of the actor Laferriere in the role of Antony from the play of the same name by Alexandre Dumas pere 1803-70 from the front cover of La Lune magazine
Order as handmade oil painting Caricature of the actor Laferriere in the role of Antony from the play of the same name by Alexandre Dumas pere 1803-70 from the front cover of La Lune magazine - Andre Gill |
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Caricature of the actor Laferriere in the role of Antony from the play of the same name by Alexandre Dumas pere 1803-70 from the front cover of La Lune magazine
English: "Caricature of the actor Laferriere in the role of Antony from the play of the same name by Alexandre Dumas pere 1803-70 from the front cover of La Lune magazine" oil on Canvas.
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Andre Gill
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