The Prince comes to the old three eyed Witchs house -
Howard Pyle
The Retreat through the Jerseys, from The Story of the Revolution by Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924, published in Scribners Magazine, April 1898 -
Howard Pyle
Truth in the Temple, from The Pilgrimage of Truth by Howard Pyle, 1900 -
Howard Pyle
Truth Leaves the Fairies Wonderland, from 'The Pilgrimage of Truth by Erik Bogh, published in Harpers New Monthly Magazine, December 1900 -
Howard Pyle
Battle of Barrosa on 5th March 1811 - (after) Heath, William
Battle of Assaye - (after) Heath, William
Charge of the 16th Queens Own Lancers at the battle of Aliwal 1846 - Henry Martens
Battle - Juan De La Corte
Turks Storming a Seaport, 1641 - Bonaventura, the Elder Peeters
A cavalry skirmish between Christians and Turks - Italian School
Cromwell leading a charge after being wounded in his right arm at the Battle of Marston Moor - (after) Cooper, Abraham
Diversion of a Dutch Division at the Porte de Flandre - Jean-Baptiste Madou
The Thin Red Line - Robert Gibb