Still life of melons, grapes, oysters, crab and lemons on pewter plates, with a basket of fruit, wineglasses and a gilt cup -
Andries Benedetti
Boy with a Basket of Fruit (Giovane con un cesto di frutta) -
Still-life with Fruits and Parrot c. 1640 -
Jan Fyt
Sophia Hedwig, Countess of Nassau Dietz, with her Three Sons 1621 -
Paulus Moreelse
Squirrel on a wildgrape tree, Toopay Krawa, Booah angoor Ootan, from 'Drawings of Animals, Insects and Reptiles from Malacca', c.1805-18 -
Anonymous Artist
The Sick Bacchus, detail of peaches and grapes, 1591 -
Still Life With Fruit Goblet And Canary(Nature's Bounty) 1851 -
Severin Roesen