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October, from 'Twelve Months of Fruits'
Order as handmade oil painting October, from 'Twelve Months of Fruits' - Pieter Casteels |
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Pigeons, pheasants, and other birds in a wooded landscape, a classical facade beyond, an overdoor -
Pieter Casteels
Roses, parrot tulips, an iris, narcissi and other flowers in a glass vase on a stone ledge -
Pieter Casteels
Tulips, roses, lillies and other flowers in a vase on a stone ledge -
Pieter Casteels [locked]
Related Paintings
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Melon, c.1906 - Samuel John Peploe
A still life with strawberries and grapes - Adriana-Johanna Haanen
Still Life Of Goosebery's And Grapes - Oliver Clare
Grapes on the vine - (after) Oliver Clare
A Still Life of fruit with a nautilus cup on a draped ledge - Georg Hinz
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