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Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK

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Copy of Simonetta Vespucci (1453-76) by Sandro Botticelli (1444-5-1510) - Konstantin Andreevic Somov
Copy of Simonetta Vespucci (1453-76) by Sandro Botticelli (1444-5-1510) - Konstantin Andreevic Somov
The Hunt in the Forest 1460s - Paolo Uccello
The Hunt in the Forest 1460s - Paolo Uccello
The Piazzetta and the Library 1720s - Luca Carlevaris
The Piazzetta and the Library 1720s - Luca Carlevaris
The Feast in the House of Levi - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
The Feast in the House of Levi - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Algerian Girl Selling Pomegranates - William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Algerian Girl Selling Pomegranates - William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire - Michael Angelo Rooker
Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire - Michael Angelo Rooker
A Farm at Montfoucault- Effect of Snow, 1876 - Camille Pissarro
A Farm at Montfoucault- Effect of Snow, 1876 - Camille Pissarro
Portrait Miniature of Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 1815 - J. Parent
Portrait Miniature of Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 1815 - J. Parent
The Temptation of Christ, c.1522 - Hans Sebald Beham
The Temptation of Christ, c.1522 - Hans Sebald Beham
Portrait of Flora Macdonald 1722-90 - Allan Ramsay
Portrait of Flora Macdonald 1722-90 - Allan Ramsay
Dunnottar Castle Scotland in a Thunderstorm (after James Moore) - Thomas Girtin
Dunnottar Castle Scotland in a Thunderstorm (after James Moore) - Thomas Girtin
St. Johns Abbey Gate, Colchester - Michael Angelo Rooker
St. Johns Abbey Gate, Colchester - Michael Angelo Rooker
Hideyoshi (c.1536-98) Blowing a Conch Shell, from 100 Phases of the moon - Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Hideyoshi (c.1536-98) Blowing a Conch Shell, from 100 Phases of the moon - Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Still Life with a Mask - Hendrick Andriessen
Still Life with a Mask - Hendrick Andriessen
Billingsgate to Tower Wharf, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Billingsgate to Tower Wharf, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
A Vase of Peonies 1875 - Camille Pissarro
A Vase of Peonies 1875 - Camille Pissarro
An Italian Villa with Figures - Jean-Victor Bertin
An Italian Villa with Figures - Jean-Victor Bertin
Library, Vinters, f.16 from an
Library, Vinters, f.16 from an 'Album of Interiors' 1843 - Charlotte Bosanquet
The Old Manor House of Woodstock - George Marquis of Blandford
The Old Manor House of Woodstock - George Marquis of Blandford
The Enraged Musician 2 - William Hogarth
The Enraged Musician 2 - William Hogarth
Shelley's Grave in the New Protestant Cemetery at Rome, 1873 - William Bell Scott
Amy Robsart - Richard Parkes Bonington
Amy Robsart - Richard Parkes Bonington
Study For A Christ On The Cross - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Study For A Christ On The Cross - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Garden Boy - James Collinson
Garden Boy - James Collinson
Portrait of Miss H.M. de Cardonnel Lawson - Thomas Barker of Bath
Portrait of Miss H.M. de Cardonnel Lawson - Thomas Barker of Bath
View Through a Window, Eragny, 1888 - Camille Pissarro
View Through a Window, Eragny, 1888 - Camille Pissarro
South View Of Christ Church Etc From The Meadows - Joseph Mallord William Turner
South View Of Christ Church Etc From The Meadows - Joseph Mallord William Turner
View of Notre Dame, Paris, 1864 - Johan Barthold Jongkind
View of Notre Dame, Paris, 1864 - Johan Barthold Jongkind
The Drawing Room at Meesdenbury, f13 from An Album of Interiors, 1843 - Charlotte Bosanquet
The Drawing Room at Meesdenbury, f13 from An Album of Interiors, 1843 - Charlotte Bosanquet
Inner Courtyard and Outer Wall of Oatlands, Richmond Palace - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Inner Courtyard and Outer Wall of Oatlands, Richmond Palace - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Southern Porch of St. Vulfran, Abbeville - John Ruskin
Southern Porch of St. Vulfran, Abbeville - John Ruskin
The First Anniversary of the Death of Beatrice 1853-54 - Dante Gabriel Rossetti
The First Anniversary of the Death of Beatrice 1853-54 - Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Portrait of an Officer of the Legion d
Portrait of an Officer of the Legion d'Honneur, 1842 - Pierre-Jacques Cazes
The Tomb of Frederick II, Palermo Cathedral, Sicily - John Ruskin
The Tomb of Frederick II, Palermo Cathedral, Sicily - John Ruskin
Self Portrait - Samuel Palmer
Self Portrait - Samuel Palmer
Venice- The Piazzetta with Figures - Luca Carlevaris
Venice- The Piazzetta with Figures - Luca Carlevaris
St Anne with the Virgin and the Christ Child c. 1505 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
St Anne with the Virgin and the Christ Child c. 1505 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Sarus Crane, painted for Lady Impey at Calcutta, c.1780 - Zain ud-Din Shaikh
Sarus Crane, painted for Lady Impey at Calcutta, c.1780 - Zain ud-Din Shaikh
River landscape with Goatherd Piping - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
River landscape with Goatherd Piping - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
The Deity from Whom Proceed the nine Spheres - William Blake
The Deity from Whom Proceed the nine Spheres - William Blake
The Flock and the Star - Samuel Palmer
The Flock and the Star - Samuel Palmer
Portrait Miniature of a Man in Armour, c.1660 2 - Samuel Cooper
Portrait Miniature of a Man in Armour, c.1660 2 - Samuel Cooper
The Resurrection of Christ 2 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Resurrection of Christ 2 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Skirts of a Wood, 1825 - Samuel Palmer
The Skirts of a Wood, 1825 - Samuel Palmer
Dedham Vale from Langham - John Constable
Dedham Vale from Langham - John Constable
Westminster Palace, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Westminster Palace, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Portrait of Jeanne Holding a Fan - Camille Pissarro
Portrait of James Paine 1717-89 architect, and his son James, 1764 - Sir Joshua Reynolds
Portrait of James Paine 1717-89 architect, and his son James, 1764 - Sir Joshua Reynolds
View on the Nile, 1855 - Thomas Seddon
View on the Nile, 1855 - Thomas Seddon
The Village of Eragny - Camille Pissarro
The Village of Eragny - Camille Pissarro
London from Highgate Hill - Thomas Girtin
London from Highgate Hill - Thomas Girtin
The Forum, Rome - John Ruskin
The Forum, Rome - John Ruskin
Portrait of Mrs Ingram Bywater, 1872 - Walter Crane
Portrait of Mrs Ingram Bywater, 1872 - Walter Crane
The Adoration of the Shepherds - Joachim Anthonisz Uytewael
The Adoration of the Shepherds - Joachim Anthonisz Uytewael
Conway Castle - Thomas Girtin
Conway Castle - Thomas Girtin
Panoramic View of Brussels 2 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Panoramic View of Brussels 2 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Student in his Study 1628 - Jan Davidsz. De Heem
Student in his Study 1628 - Jan Davidsz. De Heem
Sunset at Eragny (Soleil Couchant a Eragny) 1902 - Camille Pissarro
Sunset at Eragny (Soleil Couchant a Eragny) 1902 - Camille Pissarro
St. Nicholas of Bari rebuking the Tempest 1508 - Albrecht Altdorfer
St. Nicholas of Bari rebuking the Tempest 1508 - Albrecht Altdorfer
Early Morning, 1825 - Samuel Palmer
Early Morning, 1825 - Samuel Palmer
A Farmyard at Princes Risborough - Samuel Palmer
A Farmyard at Princes Risborough - Samuel Palmer
Still-Life of Peaches and Grapes 1705 - Willem Frederik van Royen
Still-Life of Peaches and Grapes 1705 - Willem Frederik van Royen
La Rue Malpalue a Rouen, c.1885 - Camille Pissarro
La Rue Malpalue a Rouen, c.1885 - Camille Pissarro
Christ in Limbo - Albrecht Altdorfer
Christ in Limbo - Albrecht Altdorfer
Piazza dei Signori, Verona - John Ruskin
Piazza dei Signori, Verona - John Ruskin
Interior of Norwich Cathedral - John Sell Cotman
Interior of Norwich Cathedral - John Sell Cotman
Water Meadows Near Salisbury - John Constable
Water Meadows Near Salisbury - John Constable
The Forest Fire - Cosimo Piero di
The Forest Fire - Cosimo Piero di
The Staircase, Strood Park, f26 from An Album of Interiors, (1) 1843 - Charlotte Bosanquet
The Staircase, Strood Park, f26 from An Album of Interiors, (1) 1843 - Charlotte Bosanquet
Portrait Miniature of a Lady in a Blue Dress, 1757 - Gervase Spencer
Portrait Miniature of a Lady in a Blue Dress, 1757 - Gervase Spencer
Coteaux de Mauves, c.1830 - Joseph Mallord William Turner
Coteaux de Mauves, c.1830 - Joseph Mallord William Turner
Hampton Court Palace from the River, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 2 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Hampton Court Palace from the River, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Hampton Court Palace from the River, from The Panorama of London, c.1544 - Anthonis van den Wyngaerde
Charity - Sir Joshua Reynolds
Charity - Sir Joshua Reynolds
Portrait of a Young Woman, 1841 - Theodore Chasseriau
Portrait of a Young Woman, 1841 - Theodore Chasseriau

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Noah's Ark 1846 - Edward Hicks
Noah's Ark 1846 - Edward Hicks
Female Nude Raising Her Arm - Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Female Nude Raising Her Arm - Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Ballet Class 1881 - Edgar Degas
Ballet Class 1881 - Edgar Degas
The Young Amphibians - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
The Young Amphibians - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Crucifixion Diptych (right panel) c. 1460 - Rogier van der Weyden
Crucifixion Diptych (right panel) c. 1460 - Rogier van der Weyden
The Triumph of Neptune 1634 - Nicolas Poussin
The Triumph of Neptune 1634 - Nicolas Poussin
Portrait of Walt Whitman 1887-88 - Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins
Portrait of Walt Whitman 1887-88 - Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins
In The Luxembourg Gardens - John Singer Sargent
In The Luxembourg Gardens - John Singer Sargent
A woman and child in the driving seat, 1881 - Mary Cassatt
A woman and child in the driving seat, 1881 - Mary Cassatt