The horses ridden by Louis Philippe, the Duke of Orleans at the Battle of Valmy, engraved by Victor Adam 1801-66 c.1834-38 -
Carle Vernet
The Pastry Seller, number 4 from The Cries of Paris series, engraved by Francois Seraphin Delpech 1778-1825 -
Carle Vernet
The Revolt of Pavia, 7 Prairial, Year 4 May 1796 engraved by Jacques Joseph Coiny 1761-1809 -
Carle Vernet
The Umbrella and Parasol Seller, number 23 from The Cries of Paris series, engraved by Francois Seraphin Delpech 1778-1825 -
Carle Vernet
Gaius Gracchus Weeping Before his Fathers Statue, engraved by B.Barloccini, 1849 - (after) Perkins, C.C
Sepulchral Chamber, c.1773 - Charles-Louis Clerisseau
Das Atelier vor der Versteigerung (Hans Makart's Studio Before the Auction) - Rudolf Ritter von Alt
The Triumph of Realism - George L. Du Maurier
Satyrs and bacchants making an offering to an herm near a grotto (recto and verso) - Louis Masreliez
The Drawing Lesson - Petrus Van Schendel
Assault on the Monastery of San Engracio in Zaragoza - Louis Lejeune
Embalming the Dead - Ambrose Dudley
The House of Sleep, 1731 - Bernard Picart