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The Founding of Florence from the ceiling of the Salone dei Cinquecento, 1565
Order as handmade oil painting The Founding of Florence from the ceiling of the Salone dei Cinquecento, 1565 - Giorgio Vasari |
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The Last Judgement, detail from the cupola of the Duomo, 1572-79 -
Giorgio Vasari
The Last Judgement, detail from the cupola of the Duomo, 1572-79 5 -
Giorgio Vasari
The Last Judgement, detail from the cupola of the Duomo, 1572-79 6 -
Giorgio Vasari
The Last Judgement, detail from the cupola of the Duomo, 1572-79 7 -
Giorgio Vasari
The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist -
Giorgio Vasari
The Madonna and Child, Saint Elisabeth and the Infant Saint John the Baptist -
Giorgio Vasari [locked]
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