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The Bath, Edo period 1603-1868
Order as handmade oil painting The Bath, Edo period 1603-1868 - Kitagawa Utamaro |
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The cocoon stage, no.6 from Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa, c.1800 -
Kitagawa Utamaro
The emergence of the moths, no.7 from Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa, c.1800 -
Kitagawa Utamaro
The great awakening of the silk worms, no.5 from Joshoku kaiko tewaza-gusa, c.1800 -
Kitagawa Utamaro
The Lovers Hambei and Ochie, from a series An Array of Passionate Lovers, 1797-98 -
Kitagawa Utamaro
The pleasure of conversation, from the series Tosei Kobutsu hakkei -
Kitagawa Utamaro [locked]
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