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Mrs Morlands Portrait, c.1800-04
Order as handmade oil painting Mrs Morlands Portrait, c.1800-04 - James Ward |
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Portrait of Josias Herd Harling (1818-1850) -
James Ward
Portrait of Reformer, Blucher, Tory and Crib, the Property of Rowland Alston, Esq., 1835 -
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Portrait Of The Hon. Juliana Talbot, Mrs Michael Bryan (1759-1801), With Her Children Henry, Maria And Elizabeth -
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Portrait of the Rev. Thomas Levett and Favourite Dogs, Cock-Shooting, 1811 -
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Portrait of Vic, a Spanish Bloodhound, c.1818-20 -
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Portraits of two extraordinary oxen, the property of the Earl of Powis, 1814 -
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