The Expulsion of the Poor from the Slums, from Le Petit Journal, 28th June 1895 -
Oswaldo Tofani
The New Wildcat House at the Jardin des Plantes, from Le Petit Journal, 31th March 1895 -
Oswaldo Tofani
The Rennes Trial Dreyfus Brought to the Court Martial, cover of Le Petit Journal, 20 August 1899 -
Oswaldo Tofani
A wooded river landscape with figures by a classical ruin - (after) Hubert Robert
Annunciation with two Kneeling Donors (detail) 2 - Filippino Lippi
Untitled Woman by a Window, 1911 - Howard Pyle
The State Watchman discover'd by the genius of Britain, studying plans for the reduction of America, 1781 - Thomas Rowlandson
Lady in Blue-La Dame en bleu. 1895 - Edouard (Jean-Edouard) Vuillard
View of a funeral procession with the St Stephens Cathedral in the background - (after) Kleiner, Salomon
The Village Fete - David The Younger Teniers
The Beginning of the Silk Industry in Europe, plate 9 from Nova Reperta New Discoveries engraved by Philip Galle 1537-1612 c.1600 - (after) Straet, Jan van der (Giovanni Stradano)
Une soiree musicale - Henri Guillaume Schlesinger