An old woman in a veil - (after) Gerrit Dou
Portrait of Mary Cassatt 1880-84 - Edgar Degas
Portrait of Martha Rawson of Bolling, bust-length, in a blue dress and red wrap, in a feigned oval - (after) Kneller, Sir Godfrey
Portrait study of Jane or Ann Gubbins - John Constable
Portrait of Maria Louisa de Tassis (1611-1638) - Carl Faust
Portrait Of Harriet, Lady Barclay - George Henry Harlow
Portrait of Henrietta Graham - (after) Sir John Watson Gordon
Portrait of Lady Catherine Dormer, three-quarter-length, in a pink dress with jewels and a pearl necklace, by a column - John Michael Wright
Portrait of Mary, Lady Pitmille - Sir Henry Raeburn