Frontispiece to Voyages...en Europe, en Asie et en Afrique by Sieur de la Motraye, published 1727 -
Bernard Picart
Frontispiece to Voyages...par le Muscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes Orientales by Cornelis de Bruijn c.1652-c.1727 first French edition, 1718 -
Bernard Picart
Iphis Hangs Himself in Despair that he Could Not Gain Anaxarete, 1731 -
Bernard Picart
Leander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1730 -
Bernard Picart
Man Convicted of Heresy blaming himself before being found guilty, 1722 -
Bernard Picart
Fiesta al Koran - G.C. Michelet
The Founding of Florence from the ceiling of the Salone dei Cinquecento, 1565 - Giorgio Vasari
Flags of the various Districts of Paris - Benard
The Jubilee, Kensington High Street, London, 1901 - William Harding Collingwood-Smith
Flag of the batallion of St. Marcel, 1790 - R Vieilh-Varenne
Hello and Goodbye the Rhine illustration from Le Pelerin 1930 - A. R. Moritz
9th, or E Norfolk Regiment of Infantry, from Costumes of the Army of the British Empire, according to the last regulations 1812, engraved by J.C. Stadler, published by Colnaghi and Co. 1812-15 - Charles Hamilton Smith
Plate depicting the Battle of Valmy, 20 September 1792, 1889 - Paul Utzschneider