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The Vision Of Ezekiel
Order as handmade oil painting The Vision Of Ezekiel - Gustave Dore |
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Then heard I echoing on from choir to choir, (Canto XXVII., line 86) -
Gustave Dore
Then, fasting got The mastery of grief. (Canto XXXIII., lines 73-74) -
Gustave Dore
Then, not to make them sadder, I kep down My spirit in stillness. (Canto XXXIII., lines 62-63) -
Gustave Dore
Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy unto fancy. -
Gustave Dore
Thence issuing we again beheld the stars. (Canto XXXIV., line 133) -
Gustave Dore
There I with little innocents abide, (Canto VII., line 31) -
Gustave Dore
There stood I like the friar, (Canto XIX., line 10) -
Gustave Dore [locked]
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