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Returning from the day's shoot
Order as handmade oil painting Returning from the day's shoot - Horace Vernet |
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Study for the equestrian portrait of General Dumouriez at the Battle of Jemappes -
Horace Vernet
Summer Dress, fashion plate from Incroyables et Merveilleuses, engraved by Georges Jacques Gatine 1773-1831, c.1815 -
Horace Vernet
The Assassination of Wallenstein , lithograph by Gottfried Engelmann -
Horace Vernet
The Capture of the Retinue of Abd-el-Kader 1808-83 or, The Battle of Isly on August 14th, 1844, 1844-63 -
Horace Vernet [locked]
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