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A winter landscape with figures skating on a frozen canal
Order as handmade oil painting A winter landscape with figures skating on a frozen canal - Esaias Van De Velde |
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A Wooded Landscape With A Horse-Drawn Cart, A View Of A Village With A Church Tower Beyond -
Esaias Van De Velde
A Wooded Landscape With Figures Near A Church And Two Monks Conversing On A Stone Bridge -
Esaias Van De Velde
An extensive landscape with a hunting party halting by a classical fountain -
Esaias Van De Velde
An extensive landscape with soldiers resting by a tavern, a horse and cart and other figures on a road and a ruin on a hilltop beyond -
Esaias Van De Velde
An Open Landscape With Wagoners On A Road, A Church Spire In A Village Beyond -
Esaias Van De Velde [locked]
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