Quaratesi-polyptych, five predella panels with scenes from the life of St. Nicholas of Bari (miracles representations), scene of the rescue sailors -
Gentile Da Fabriano
The Penitent Mary Magdalene - (after) Adriaen Van Der Werff
The Last Day of the Sale - George Bernard O'Neill
The Umbrella and Parasol Seller, number 23 from The Cries of Paris series, engraved by Francois Seraphin Delpech 1778-1825 - Carle Vernet
Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi - Raffaelo Sanzio
The Anatomist, published by Thomas Tegg, 1811 - Thomas Rowlandson
Seated Man with a Raised Hand - Helmut von Hugel Kolle
Queen Anne of Hungary and Bohemia c. 1519 - Hans Maler
The Nativity c. 1445 - Petrus Christus
The Mater Dolorosa - (after) Guido Reni