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Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

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Birth of Venus (La Nascita di Venere) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Birth of Venus (La Nascita di Venere) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Baptism of Christ (detail by Leonardo da Vinci) 1472-75 - Andrea Del Verrocchio
The Baptism of Christ (detail by Leonardo da Vinci) 1472-75 - Andrea Del Verrocchio
Madonna Enthroned (All Saints
Madonna Enthroned (All Saints' Altarpiece) - Giotto Di Bondone
Annunciation (detail 2) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 2) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 3) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Annunciation (detail 3) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Portrait of a Man c. 1500 - Ambrogio de Predis
Portrait of a Man c. 1500 - Ambrogio de Predis
Landscape drawing for Santa Maria della Neve on 5th August 1473 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Landscape drawing for Santa Maria della Neve on 5th August 1473 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Adoration of the Magi (Adorazione dei Magi) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Adoration of the Magi (Adorazione dei Magi) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Thebaid c. 1410 - Gherardo Di Jacopo Starnina
Thebaid c. 1410 - Gherardo Di Jacopo Starnina
Psyche Discovers Cupid, 1707-09 - Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Psyche Discovers Cupid, 1707-09 - Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene 1581 - Lavinia Fontana
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene 1581 - Lavinia Fontana
The Annunciation (front) Circumcision And Nativity (back) 1500 - Fra Bartolomeo
The Annunciation (front) Circumcision And Nativity (back) 1500 - Fra Bartolomeo
Portrait of Maria de
Portrait of Maria de' Medici 1551 - Agnolo Bronzino
The Presentation in the Temple 1342 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
The Presentation in the Temple 1342 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Lorenzo de Medici (1449-92) The Magnificent - Giorgio Vasari
Lorenzo de Medici (1449-92) The Magnificent - Giorgio Vasari
Adam And Eve - Hans Baldung Grien
Adam And Eve - Hans Baldung Grien
The Venus of Urbino 1538 - Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
The Venus of Urbino 1538 - Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
Allegory of Human Life 1570 - Alessandro Allori
Allegory of Human Life 1570 - Alessandro Allori
Salome 1615-20 - Giovanni Battista Caracciolo
Salome 1615-20 - Giovanni Battista Caracciolo
Cleopatra 1533-34 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Cleopatra 1533-34 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Banquet of Mark Anthony 83-30 BC and Cleopatra 69-30 BC 1717 - Francesco Trevisani
The Banquet of Mark Anthony 83-30 BC and Cleopatra 69-30 BC 1717 - Francesco Trevisani
Madonna of the Goldfinch (Madonna del Cardellino) 1505-06 - Raphael
Madonna of the Goldfinch (Madonna del Cardellino) 1505-06 - Raphael
Madonna and Child c. 1504 - Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
Madonna and Child c. 1504 - Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
Neptune Pursuing Coronis, 1665-70 - Giulio Carpioni
Neptune Pursuing Coronis, 1665-70 - Giulio Carpioni
Ognissanti Madonna (Madonna in Maesta) c. 1310 - Giotto Di Bondone
Ognissanti Madonna (Madonna in Maesta) c. 1310 - Giotto Di Bondone
Adam and Eve 1528 - Lucas The Elder Cranach
Adam and Eve 1528 - Lucas The Elder Cranach
Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent - Giorgio Vasari
Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent - Giorgio Vasari
The Hunter and a Woman - Gabriel Metsu
The Hunter and a Woman - Gabriel Metsu
Portrait of a Seated Youth 1544 - Georg Pencz
Portrait of a Seated Youth 1544 - Georg Pencz
The Virgin Appearing to Sts John the Baptist and John the Evangelist 1520s - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
The Virgin Appearing to Sts John the Baptist and John the Evangelist 1520s - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
Study For Madonna With The Yarnwinder - Leonardo Da Vinci
Study For Madonna With The Yarnwinder - Leonardo Da Vinci
Adoration of the Magi 2 - Andrea Mantegna
Adoration of the Magi 2 - Andrea Mantegna
La Primavera (Allegory of Spring) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
La Primavera (Allegory of Spring) - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Tobias and the Angel - Francesco Ubertini Verdi Bachiacca
Tobias and the Angel - Francesco Ubertini Verdi Bachiacca
Sacrifice of Isaac 1590s - (Jacopo Chimenti) Empoli
Sacrifice of Isaac 1590s - (Jacopo Chimenti) Empoli
Death of Adonis 1511-12 - Sebastiano Del Piombo (Luciani)
Death of Adonis 1511-12 - Sebastiano Del Piombo (Luciani)
Self-Portrait in Profile 1590s - Annibale Carracci
Self-Portrait in Profile 1590s - Annibale Carracci
Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro 1465-66 - Piero della Francesca
Portrait of Federico da Montefeltro 1465-66 - Piero della Francesca
Crucifixion 1350-60 - Nardo di Cione
Crucifixion 1350-60 - Nardo di Cione
Portrait of Alessandro de Medici, 1534 - Giorgio Vasari
Portrait of Alessandro de Medici, 1534 - Giorgio Vasari
Leda 1508-15 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Leda 1508-15 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Madonna of the Magnificat (Madonna del Magnificat) 1480-81 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Madonna of the Magnificat (Madonna del Magnificat) 1480-81 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Venus in front of the Mirror 1625-26 - Johann Liss
Venus in front of the Mirror 1625-26 - Johann Liss
The Madonna in Majesty (Maesta) 1285-86 - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
The Madonna in Majesty (Maesta) 1285-86 - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
St Peter Walking on the Water 1590 - Alessandro Allori
St Peter Walking on the Water 1590 - Alessandro Allori
Adoration of the Magi (detail 3) 1423 - Gentile Da Fabriano
Adoration of the Magi (detail 3) 1423 - Gentile Da Fabriano
Allegory of Happiness 1564 - Agnolo Bronzino
Allegory of Happiness 1564 - Agnolo Bronzino
The Three Archangels with Tobias c. 1470 - Francesco Botticini
The Three Archangels with Tobias c. 1470 - Francesco Botticini
Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes, 1745 - Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes, 1745 - Pompeo Gerolamo Batoni
Study - Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence - Donato Bramante
Study - Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence - Donato Bramante
Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene, c.1505 - Luca Signorelli
Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene, c.1505 - Luca Signorelli
Leda and the Swan, c.1570 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Leda and the Swan, c.1570 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Salome 1527-31 - Bernardino Luini
Salome 1527-31 - Bernardino Luini
Bia, The Illegitimate Daughter of Cosimo I de
Bia, The Illegitimate Daughter of Cosimo I de' Medici c. 1542 - Agnolo Bronzino
Study of an Old Man
Study of an Old Man's Profile - Leonardo Da Vinci
Ognissanti Madonna (detail 1) c. 1310 - Giotto Di Bondone
Ognissanti Madonna (detail 1) c. 1310 - Giotto Di Bondone
The Cestello Annunciation - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Cestello Annunciation - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Annunciation (detail) 1480-85 - Lorenzo di Credi
Annunciation (detail) 1480-85 - Lorenzo di Credi
Witchcraft (Allegory of Hercules) c. 1535 - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
Witchcraft (Allegory of Hercules) c. 1535 - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
The Birth of Venus c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Birth of Venus c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Baptism of Christ (detail) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
The Baptism of Christ (detail) 1472-75 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Madonna of the Pomegranate (detail) c. 1487 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Madonna of the Pomegranate (detail) c. 1487 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Marie Adelaide of France as Diana 1745 - Jean-Marc Nattier
Marie Adelaide of France as Diana 1745 - Jean-Marc Nattier
Primavera (detail 2) c. 1482 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Primavera (detail 2) c. 1482 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Baptism of Christ [detail] - Leonardo Da Vinci
The Baptism of Christ [detail] - Leonardo Da Vinci
Study of a child with a cat (facsimile) - Leonardo Da Vinci
Study of a child with a cat (facsimile) - Leonardo Da Vinci
Jacopo Sansovino 1486-1570, originally Tatti, sculptor and State architect in Venice - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Jacopo Sansovino 1486-1570, originally Tatti, sculptor and State architect in Venice - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Heads of an old man and a youth - Leonardo Da Vinci
Heads of an old man and a youth - Leonardo Da Vinci
Famous Persons Francesco Petrarca 1450 - Andrea Del Castagno
Famous Persons Francesco Petrarca 1450 - Andrea Del Castagno
Self Portrait - Raphael
Self Portrait - Raphael
Madonna Enthroned with the Child, St Francis St. Domenico and two Angels - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
Madonna Enthroned with the Child, St Francis St. Domenico and two Angels - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
Portrait of an Old Man 1485 - Filippino Lippi
Portrait of an Old Man 1485 - Filippino Lippi
Guidobaldo da Montefeltro 1506 - Raphael
Guidobaldo da Montefeltro 1506 - Raphael
Madonna and Child with Saints 1534 - Lorenzo Lotto
Madonna and Child with Saints 1534 - Lorenzo Lotto

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Museum of the day: Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia

Blue Dancers, c.1899 - Edgar Degas
Blue Dancers, c.1899 - Edgar Degas
Allegory On The Peace Of Pressburg 1808 - Andrea, the Elder Appiani
Allegory On The Peace Of Pressburg 1808 - Andrea, the Elder Appiani
Avenue de L'Opera, Paris, 1898 - Camille Pissarro
Avenue de L'Opera, Paris, 1898 - Camille Pissarro
The Incredulity of St Thomas 1634 - Rembrandt Van Rijn
The Incredulity of St Thomas 1634 - Rembrandt Van Rijn
Breakfast-piece 1646 - Pieter Claesz.
Breakfast-piece 1646 - Pieter Claesz.
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Jacob de Vries
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Jacob de Vries
Alexander Pushkin (1865-1911) at Work, 1899 - Konstantin Andreevic Somov
Alexander Pushkin (1865-1911) at Work, 1899 - Konstantin Andreevic Somov
The Place de Greve, Paris - Nicolas Raguenet
The Place de Greve, Paris - Nicolas Raguenet