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A River Scene With Rowing Boats, Cottages On The Shore And A Windmill In The Distance
Order as handmade oil painting A River Scene With Rowing Boats, Cottages On The Shore And A Windmill In The Distance - Esaias Van De Velde |
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A village scene with harvesters and a horseman on a track, a field with hay stooks seen beyond -
Esaias Van De Velde
A Winter Landscape With Figures Playing Kolf And Skating On A Frozen River Before A House, A Church Beyond -
Esaias Van De Velde
A Winter Landscape With Figures Skating And Playing Kolf On A Frozen River, Before A Large Dovecote And A Cottage -
Esaias Van De Velde
A Wooded Landscape With A Horse-Drawn Cart, A View Of A Village With A Church Tower Beyond -
Esaias Van De Velde
A Wooded Landscape With Figures Near A Church And Two Monks Conversing On A Stone Bridge -
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