Robert Devereux 1566-1601 Earl of Essex - Pierre Duflos
The Four Faculties detail- geography, mechanics 1781 - Franz Sigrist
Jesus mocked by Roman soldiers - William Brassey Hole
Samson threatening his father-in-law - (after) Harmenszoon Van Rijn Rembrandt
Luncheon on the Grass - Edouard Manet
Study of Four Figures for Repose, 1863 - Pierre Cécile Puvis de Chevannes
Henri Montan Berton 1767-1844 and Francois Adrien Boieldieu 1775-1834 - Francois Seraphin Delpech
The Gibbet 2 - Thomas Rowlandson
Jan Uytenbogaert, Preacher of the Remonstrants - Rembrandt Van Rijn