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Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

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Adoration of the Child c. 1495 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Adoration of the Child c. 1495 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Flora 1730s - Rosalba Carriera
Flora 1730s - Rosalba Carriera
Famous Persons Pippo Spano 1450 - Andrea Del Castagno
Famous Persons Pippo Spano 1450 - Andrea Del Castagno
Perseus Rescuing Andromeda - Cosimo Piero di
Perseus Rescuing Andromeda - Cosimo Piero di
Study of battles on horseback 1503-04 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Study of battles on horseback 1503-04 - Leonardo Da Vinci
The Annunciation, c.1551-53 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
The Annunciation, c.1551-53 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
The Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist (or The Doni tondo) - Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Holy Family with the Infant John the Baptist (or The Doni tondo) - Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Prophet Elisha cleansing Naaman, 1560-70 - Giorgio Vasari
The Prophet Elisha cleansing Naaman, 1560-70 - Giorgio Vasari
Group of Orientals, Jews and Soldiers, 1493-95 - Vittore Carpaccio
Group of Orientals, Jews and Soldiers, 1493-95 - Vittore Carpaccio
The Annunciation and Two Saints - Simone Martini
The Annunciation and Two Saints - Simone Martini
The Birth of Venus (detail 3) c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Birth of Venus (detail 3) c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Annunciation - Simone Martini
Annunciation - Simone Martini
Concert 1610-20 - Bartolomeo Manfredi
Concert 1610-20 - Bartolomeo Manfredi
Supper at Emmaus 1525 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Supper at Emmaus 1525 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail 2) 1601-02 - Caravaggio
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail 2) 1601-02 - Caravaggio
Triumphal Entry of Henry IV into Paris 1627-30 - Peter Paul Rubens
Triumphal Entry of Henry IV into Paris 1627-30 - Peter Paul Rubens
Adoration of the Child c. 1483 - Filippino Lippi
Adoration of the Child c. 1483 - Filippino Lippi
Perseus Frees Andromeda c. 1510 - Piero Di Cosimo
Perseus Frees Andromeda c. 1510 - Piero Di Cosimo
Coronation of the Virgin 1441-47 - Fra Filippo Lippi
Coronation of the Virgin 1441-47 - Fra Filippo Lippi
Eleonora Gonzaga c. 1538 - Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
Eleonora Gonzaga c. 1538 - Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
Adoration of the Magi c. 1475 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Adoration of the Magi c. 1475 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Madonna and Child with Saints and Crucifixion 1260-70 - Bonaventura Berlinghieri
Madonna and Child with Saints and Crucifixion 1260-70 - Bonaventura Berlinghieri
Narcissus at the Fountain - Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
Narcissus at the Fountain - Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
Self Portrait as a Young Man 1634 - Rembrandt Van Rijn
Self Portrait as a Young Man 1634 - Rembrandt Van Rijn
Moses defending the Daughters of Jethro 1523 - Rosso Fiorentino (Giovan Battista di Jacopo)
Moses defending the Daughters of Jethro 1523 - Rosso Fiorentino (Giovan Battista di Jacopo)
Christ and John the Baptist as Children 1758 - François Boucher
Christ and John the Baptist as Children 1758 - François Boucher
The Battle of Anghiari (copy of a detail) 1503-05 - Leonardo Da Vinci
The Battle of Anghiari (copy of a detail) 1503-05 - Leonardo Da Vinci
Medusa, painted on a leather jousting shield, c.1596-98 - Caravaggio
Medusa, painted on a leather jousting shield, c.1596-98 - Caravaggio
Cavalry Battle - Joseph Parrocel
Cavalry Battle - Joseph Parrocel
Rucellai Madonna 1285 - Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Rucellai Madonna 1285 - Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Allegory of the Immaculate Conception - Giorgio Vasari
Study for the Battle of Cascina 1505-06 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Study for the Battle of Cascina 1505-06 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Nativity 1414 - Lorenzo Monaco
Nativity 1414 - Lorenzo Monaco
Madonna of the Harpies (detail) 1517 - Andrea Del Sarto
Madonna of the Harpies (detail) 1517 - Andrea Del Sarto
Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro 1523-24 - Fiorentino Rosso
Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro 1523-24 - Fiorentino Rosso
Death of Queen Vasti, after 1490 - Jacopo Del Sellaio
Death of Queen Vasti, after 1490 - Jacopo Del Sellaio
Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown Off His Horse (detail-1) 1450s - Paolo Uccello
Bernardino della Ciarda Thrown Off His Horse (detail-1) 1450s - Paolo Uccello
The Virgin and Child with Four Angels and Six Saints (Pala di San Barnaba) 1488 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Virgin and Child with Four Angels and Six Saints (Pala di San Barnaba) 1488 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Portrait of Vincenzo Viviani 1622-1703 c.1690 - Domenico Tempesti
Portrait of Vincenzo Viviani 1622-1703 c.1690 - Domenico Tempesti
Flora - Rosalba Carriera
Flora - Rosalba Carriera
The Birth of Venus (detail 2) c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Birth of Venus (detail 2) c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Enrichetta Anna Sofia di Modena (1702-1777), 1723 - Rosalba Carriera
Enrichetta Anna Sofia di Modena (1702-1777), 1723 - Rosalba Carriera
Madonna with the Child and two Angels 1465 - Fra Filippo Lippi
Madonna with the Child and two Angels 1465 - Fra Filippo Lippi
Architectural View with Two Arches, 1647 - Viviano Codazzi
Architectural View with Two Arches, 1647 - Viviano Codazzi
Port Scene with the Villa Medici 1637 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Port Scene with the Villa Medici 1637 - Claude Lorrain (Gellee)
Adoration of the Shepherds - Hugo Van Der Goes
Adoration of the Shepherds - Hugo Van Der Goes
The Madonna in Sorrow - Francesco de
The Madonna in Sorrow - Francesco de' Rossi (see Sassoferrato)
The Judgement of Zaleucus, c.1525 - Perino del Vaga (Pietro Bonaccors)
The Judgement of Zaleucus, c.1525 - Perino del Vaga (Pietro Bonaccors)
Portrait of a Courtesan 1665 - Girolamo Forabosco
Portrait of a Courtesan 1665 - Girolamo Forabosco
Venus 1493-94 - Lorenzo di Credi
Venus 1493-94 - Lorenzo di Credi
Madonna and Child with Saints - Alessio Baldovinetti
Madonna and Child with Saints - Alessio Baldovinetti
Rucellai Madonna (detail 3) 1285 - Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Rucellai Madonna (detail 3) 1285 - Duccio Di Buoninsegna
Our Lady Worshipping the Child, c.1518-20 - Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
Our Lady Worshipping the Child, c.1518-20 - Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
The Doni Tondo (detail) c. 1506 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Doni Tondo (detail) c. 1506 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza di San Marco - (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza di San Marco - (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
Portrait of Louis XIV 1638-1715 King of France - Robert Nanteuil
Portrait of Louis XIV 1638-1715 King of France - Robert Nanteuil
Annunciation 1500 - Fra Bartolomeo
The Guitar Player - Giulio Campi
The Guitar Player - Giulio Campi
St. Filippo Neri Curing Pope Clemente VIII - Pietro Da Cortona (Barrettini)
St. Filippo Neri Curing Pope Clemente VIII - Pietro Da Cortona (Barrettini)
The Sacrifice of Isaac c. 1605 - Caravaggio
The Sacrifice of Isaac c. 1605 - Caravaggio
Portrait of a Man with an Apple (possibly Francesco Maria della Rovere) 1503-04 - Raphael
Pygmalion and Galatea - Godfried Schalcken
Pygmalion and Galatea - Godfried Schalcken
Altarpiece with Three Saints 1467-68 - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Pietà c. 1530 - Agnolo Bronzino
Pietà c. 1530 - Agnolo Bronzino
Portrait of Julius II - Raphael
Portrait of Julius II - Raphael
Adoration of the Magi - Gentile Da Fabriano
Adoration of the Magi - Gentile Da Fabriano
Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza c. 1471 - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Portrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza c. 1471 - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Madonna and Child with Saints Peter and Paul - Ugolino Di Nerio (Da Siena)
Madonna and Child with Saints Peter and Paul - Ugolino Di Nerio (Da Siena)
Saints John the Evangelist and Francis, 1600 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
Saints John the Evangelist and Francis, 1600 - El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos)
Madonna and Child 1450 - Jacopo Bellini
Madonna and Child 1450 - Jacopo Bellini
The Calling of St. Peter - Philippe de Champaigne
The Calling of St. Peter - Philippe de Champaigne
Evangelista Scappi 1500-05 - Francesco Francia
Evangelista Scappi 1500-05 - Francesco Francia

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Museum of the day: Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam

A Pair of Shoes - Vincent Van Gogh
A Pair of Shoes - Vincent Van Gogh
Wheatfield with Crows - Vincent Van Gogh
Wheatfield with Crows - Vincent Van Gogh
Wounded Amazon 1904 - Franz von Stuck
Wounded Amazon 1904 - Franz von Stuck
Two Peasant Women in Peat Field - Vincent Van Gogh
Two Peasant Women in Peat Field - Vincent Van Gogh
Farm Houses - Vincent Van Gogh
Farm Houses - Vincent Van Gogh
This is our Corner (or Laurense and Anna Alma-Tadema) - Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
This is our Corner (or Laurense and Anna Alma-Tadema) - Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Old Breton Woman Asleep in Church - Vincent Van Gogh
Old Breton Woman Asleep in Church - Vincent Van Gogh
Men and Women Working - Vincent Van Gogh
Men and Women Working - Vincent Van Gogh