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Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

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Self Portrait - Giorgio Vasari
Self Portrait - Giorgio Vasari
Portrait of Theophile Folengo - Gerolamo Romanino
Portrait of Theophile Folengo - Gerolamo Romanino
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1540-45 - Francesco de
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1540-45 - Francesco de' Rossi (see Salviati, Cecchino del)
Madonna Enthroned with Four Saints - Fiorentino Rosso
Madonna Enthroned with Four Saints - Fiorentino Rosso
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian - Girolamo Genga
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian - Girolamo Genga
Madonna of the Harpies 1517 - Andrea Del Sarto
Madonna of the Harpies 1517 - Andrea Del Sarto
Self Portrait, 1696 - Jean François de Troy
Self Portrait, 1696 - Jean François de Troy
The Coronation of the Virgin 1434 - Angelico Fra
The Coronation of the Virgin 1434 - Angelico Fra
The Madonna in Majesty (Maestà) [detail #1] - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
The Madonna in Majesty (Maestà) [detail #1] - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
Landscape with figures - Salvator Rosa
Landscape with figures - Salvator Rosa
Portrait of Maria Adelaide of France - Jean-Marc Nattier
Portrait of Maria Adelaide of France - Jean-Marc Nattier
Salome 1512-16 - Alonso Berruguette
Salome 1512-16 - Alonso Berruguette
The Battle of Mongiovino - Giacomo Cortese (see COURTOIS, Jacques)
The Battle of Mongiovino - Giacomo Cortese (see COURTOIS, Jacques)
Portrait of a Young Girl 1541-45 - Agnolo Bronzino
Portrait of a Young Girl 1541-45 - Agnolo Bronzino
Landscape with figures - Herman Van Swanevelt
Landscape with figures - Herman Van Swanevelt
Madonna Enthroned with the Child and Two Angels 2 - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
Madonna Enthroned with the Child and Two Angels 2 - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
Self Portrait 1783 - Jacob More
Self Portrait 1783 - Jacob More
St Sebastian 1490-91 - Lorenzo Costa
St Sebastian 1490-91 - Lorenzo Costa
Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist c. 1488 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Adoration of the Shepherds 1520-24 - Ludovico Mazzolino
Self Portrait, c.1695 - Niccolo Cassana
Self Portrait, c.1695 - Niccolo Cassana
Madonna and Child with the Young St John c. 1528 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Madonna and Child with the Young St John c. 1528 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Calumny (detail 2) 1495 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Calumny (detail 2) 1495 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
An endless screw that allowed Archimedes c.287-12 BC to drag a ship ashore, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
An endless screw that allowed Archimedes c.287-12 BC to drag a ship ashore, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
The Flagellation, detail of the predella panel from the altarpiece of the Trinity with Madonna and Child and SS. Augustine and Anastasius - Luca Signorelli
The Flagellation, detail of the predella panel from the altarpiece of the Trinity with Madonna and Child and SS. Augustine and Anastasius - Luca Signorelli
St Matthew Raising a Young Man from the Dead from the Altarpiece of St Matthew and Scenes from his Life 1367-70 - Andrea & Jacopo Orcagna di Cione
St Matthew Raising a Young Man from the Dead from the Altarpiece of St Matthew and Scenes from his Life 1367-70 - Andrea & Jacopo Orcagna di Cione
Madonna and Child (Madonna della Loggia) c. 1467 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Madonna and Child (Madonna della Loggia) c. 1467 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Portrait of a man with a book - Giovanni Battista Moroni
Portrait of a man with a book - Giovanni Battista Moroni
Madonna and Child with Sts Catherine and Barbara - Master of Hoogstraeten
Madonna and Child with Sts Catherine and Barbara - Master of Hoogstraeten
The Panciatichi Holy Family (detail) 1540 - Agnolo Bronzino
The Panciatichi Holy Family (detail) 1540 - Agnolo Bronzino
Catherine of Austria Duchess of Savoy Wife of Carlo Emanuele I - Giovanna Garzoni
Catherine of Austria Duchess of Savoy Wife of Carlo Emanuele I - Giovanna Garzoni
The Education of the Virgin - Jean-baptiste Jouvenet
The Madonna and Child with Saints (detail 3) c. 1445 - Domenico Veneziano
The Madonna and Child with Saints (detail 3) c. 1445 - Domenico Veneziano
The Annunciation - Giovanni Bizzelli
The Annunciation - Giovanni Bizzelli
The Rape of Europa 1720-40 - Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
The Rape of Europa 1720-40 - Giovanni Domenico Ferretti
The Holy Family with Young Saint John 1530 - Domenico Beccafumi
The Holy Family with Young Saint John 1530 - Domenico Beccafumi
Beata Umilta Transport Bricks to the Monastery - Pietro Lorenzetti
Beata Umilta Transport Bricks to the Monastery - Pietro Lorenzetti
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas (2) c. 1332 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas (2) c. 1332 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Famous Persons: Farinata degli Uberti - Andrea Del Castagno
Famous Persons: Farinata degli Uberti - Andrea Del Castagno
Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de
Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi [detail: 2] - Raphael
The Annunciation - Garofalo
The Annunciation - Garofalo
The Dream of St Ursula c. 1495 - Vittore Carpaccio
Self Portrait, 1709 - Rosalba Carriera
Self Portrait, 1709 - Rosalba Carriera
Famous Persons Dante Allighieri 1450 - Andrea Del Castagno
Famous Persons Dante Allighieri 1450 - Andrea Del Castagno
Henrietta Maria of France 1606-69 as Flora 1742 - Jean-Marc Nattier
Henrietta Maria of France 1606-69 as Flora 1742 - Jean-Marc Nattier
The Madonna in Majesty (Maestà) [detail #2] - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
The Madonna in Majesty (Maestà) [detail #2] - (Cenni Di Peppi) Cimabue
Sketch for the Bevilacqua Altarpiece - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Sketch for the Bevilacqua Altarpiece - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Madonna and Child, c.1450 - Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera
Madonna and Child, c.1450 - Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera
Portrait of a Man c. 1550 - Francesco Beccaruzzi
Self Portrait, 1716-17 - Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini
Self Portrait, 1716-17 - Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini
Self Portrait, 1887 - Pierre Cécile Puvis de Chevannes
Self Portrait, 1887 - Pierre Cécile Puvis de Chevannes
Esther in front of Ahasuerus, c.1645-50 - Bernardo Cavallino
Esther in front of Ahasuerus, c.1645-50 - Bernardo Cavallino
Madonna and Child 1506 - Andrea Mantegna
Madonna and Child 1506 - Andrea Mantegna
St. Jerome, c.1500 - Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
St. Jerome, c.1500 - Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
The Madonna and Child with Saints (detail 2) c. 1445 - Domenico Veneziano
The Madonna and Child with Saints (detail 2) c. 1445 - Domenico Veneziano
Altarpiece of the SS. Vincent, James and Eustace 1468 - Antonio Pollaiolo
Altarpiece of the SS. Vincent, James and Eustace 1468 - Antonio Pollaiolo
The Holy Family, c.1508-12 - Jacopo d
The Holy Family, c.1508-12 - Jacopo d'Antonio Negretti (see Palma Vecchio)
Self Portrait, c.1713 - Arcangelo Resani
Self Portrait, c.1713 - Arcangelo Resani
Portrait of a Lady c. 1770 - Alessandro Longhi
Portrait of a Lady c. 1770 - Alessandro Longhi
Portrait of Barbara Pallavicino - Alessandro Araldi
Portrait of Barbara Pallavicino - Alessandro Araldi
Annunciation 1447 - Baldovinetti Alessio
Annunciation 1447 - Baldovinetti Alessio
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail 1) 1601-02 - Caravaggio
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail 1) 1601-02 - Caravaggio
Self Portrait, c.1630 - Guido Reni
Self Portrait, c.1630 - Guido Reni
The Martyrdom of St. Justine c. 1573 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
The Martyrdom of St. Justine c. 1573 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Study (2) 1486 - Domenico Ghirlandaio
Study (2) 1486 - Domenico Ghirlandaio
The Annunciating Angel Gabriel - Melozzo da Forli
The Annunciating Angel Gabriel - Melozzo da Forli
Extraction of St Ignatius
Extraction of St Ignatius' Heart c. 1488 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Moses Receiving the Tables 1546-56 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Moses Receiving the Tables 1546-56 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Madonna and Child with SS. Jerome and Francis - Mirabello Cavalori (Salincorno)
Madonna and Child with SS. Jerome and Francis - Mirabello Cavalori (Salincorno)
Portrait of Barbara Pallavicino 1510s - Alessandro Araldi
Manufacturing Armour - Bernardino Barbatelli Poccetti
Manufacturing Armour - Bernardino Barbatelli Poccetti

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Museum of the day: Vincent van Gogh Foundation, Amsterdam

A Pair of Shoes - Vincent Van Gogh
A Pair of Shoes - Vincent Van Gogh
Wheatfield with Crows - Vincent Van Gogh
Wheatfield with Crows - Vincent Van Gogh
Wounded Amazon 1904 - Franz von Stuck
Wounded Amazon 1904 - Franz von Stuck
Two Peasant Women in Peat Field - Vincent Van Gogh
Two Peasant Women in Peat Field - Vincent Van Gogh
Farm Houses - Vincent Van Gogh
Farm Houses - Vincent Van Gogh
This is our Corner (or Laurense and Anna Alma-Tadema) - Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
This is our Corner (or Laurense and Anna Alma-Tadema) - Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Old Breton Woman Asleep in Church - Vincent Van Gogh
Old Breton Woman Asleep in Church - Vincent Van Gogh
Men and Women Working - Vincent Van Gogh
Men and Women Working - Vincent Van Gogh