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Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

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Self Portrait with a Dog - R. Poate
Self Portrait with a Dog - R. Poate
Madonna and Child with Saints 1522-23 - Ludovico Mazzolino
Madonna and Child with Saints 1522-23 - Ludovico Mazzolino
St Fredianus Diverts the River Serchio - Fra Filippo Lippi
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas c. 1332 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Scenes of the Life of St Nicholas c. 1332 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
The Poet Casio 1490-1500 - Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
The Poet Casio 1490-1500 - Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
Altarpiece with Saint Michael - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Altarpiece with Saint Michael - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail 3) 1601-02 - Caravaggio
The Sacrifice of Isaac (detail 3) 1601-02 - Caravaggio
Madonna and Child with Eight Saints 1520s - (Bartolomeo Suardi) Bramantino
Madonna and Child with Eight Saints 1520s - (Bartolomeo Suardi) Bramantino
Polyptych of Saint Pancrazio - Bernardo Daddi
The Bathing Pool - Pieter van (Il Bamboccio) Laar
The Bathing Pool - Pieter van (Il Bamboccio) Laar
Immaculate Conception and Six Saints - Cosimo Piero di
Immaculate Conception and Six Saints - Cosimo Piero di
Portrait of a Man - Alessandro Oliverio
Portrait of a Man - Alessandro Oliverio
The Birth of Venus (detail 4) c. 1485 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The birth of Venus [detail] - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The birth of Venus [detail] - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
St John on Patmos 1490-92 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
St John on Patmos 1490-92 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Martyrdom of St. Justine, c.1555 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
The Martyrdom of St. Justine, c.1555 - Paolo Veronese (Caliari)
Portrait of Ferdinand II de Medici 1610-70 - Justus Sustermans
Portrait of Ferdinand II de Medici 1610-70 - Justus Sustermans
Still Life with Fruit and Shellfish - Jan van Kessel
Still Life with Fruit and Shellfish - Jan van Kessel
Madonna Enthroned with Child and Two Angels 1490-91 - Hans Memling
Madonna Enthroned with Child and Two Angels 1490-91 - Hans Memling
Portrait of Francesco delle Opere 1494 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Portrait of Francesco delle Opere 1494 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Peasant Boy with a Marmot, 1732 - Luigi Pitti
Peasant Boy with a Marmot, 1732 - Luigi Pitti
Prudence, c.1470 - Piero del Pollaiolo
Prudence, c.1470 - Piero del Pollaiolo
Festivals of Henri III 1553-1610 Brussels Workshop, c.1580 - Francois, the Elder Quesnel
Festivals of Henri III 1553-1610 Brussels Workshop, c.1580 - Francois, the Elder Quesnel
Gentleman Facing to the Right, c.1553 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Gentleman Facing to the Right, c.1553 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Christian VII 1749-1808 1788 - Heinrich Schmidt
Christian VII 1749-1808 1788 - Heinrich Schmidt
Portrait of Vigilius von Aytta, c.1566-67 - Frans, the Elder Pourbus
Portrait of Vigilius von Aytta, c.1566-67 - Frans, the Elder Pourbus
Water festival of Henri III 1551-89 and Louise de Lorraine 1553-1601 Brussels Workshop, c.1580 - Francois, the Elder Quesnel
Water festival of Henri III 1551-89 and Louise de Lorraine 1553-1601 Brussels Workshop, c.1580 - Francois, the Elder Quesnel
Portrait of Piero Carnesecchi (1) - Domenico Puligo
Portrait of Piero Carnesecchi (1) - Domenico Puligo
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Sebastian - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Sebastian - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Madonna and Child Rucellai Madonna - Buoninsegna Duccio di
Madonna and Child Rucellai Madonna - Buoninsegna Duccio di
The Interior of a Rustic House, c.1640 - David The Elder Teniers
The Interior of a Rustic House, c.1640 - David The Elder Teniers
Four Evangelists c. 1550 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Sts. Anthony and Thomas with Tommaso Portinari 1476-79 - Hugo Van Der Goes
Sts. Anthony and Thomas with Tommaso Portinari 1476-79 - Hugo Van Der Goes
The Adoration of the Magi (detail 3) c. 1475 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Adoration of the Magi (detail 3) c. 1475 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Self Portrait - Andrea Del Sarto
The Annunciation and the Two Saints (detail-1) 1333 - Louis de Silvestre
The Annunciation and the Two Saints (detail-1) 1333 - Louis de Silvestre
Ceiling panel from the Stanzino delle Matematiche 3 - Giulio Parigi
Ceiling panel from the Stanzino delle Matematiche 3 - Giulio Parigi
Ceiling panel from the Stanzino delle Matematiche 2 - Giulio Parigi
Ceiling panel from the Stanzino delle Matematiche 2 - Giulio Parigi
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha - Girolamo da Carpi
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha - Girolamo da Carpi
Madonna and Child with Two Saints 1522 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Madonna and Child with Two Saints 1522 - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Three Episodes from the Life of St Benedict (2) 1475 - Neroccio (Bartolommeo) De
Three Episodes from the Life of St Benedict (2) 1475 - Neroccio (Bartolommeo) De' Landi
The Scullery Maid 1710-15 - Giuseppe Maria Crespi
The Scullery Maid 1710-15 - Giuseppe Maria Crespi
Deposition - Gerard David
Deposition - Gerard David
Device for dredging the sea, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
Device for dredging the sea, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
Masinissa 238-149 BC and Sophonisba dc204 BC 1624-25 - Rutilio Manetti
Masinissa 238-149 BC and Sophonisba dc204 BC 1624-25 - Rutilio Manetti
Christ Carrying the Cross 1540s - Francesco de' Rossi (see Salviati, Cecchino del)
Sacred Allegory (detail 2) 1490-1500 - Giovanni Bellini
Sacred Allegory (detail 2) 1490-1500 - Giovanni Bellini
Hercules and Antaeus - Antonio Del Pollaiuolo
Hercules and Antaeus - Antonio Del Pollaiuolo
The Adoration of the Magi (detail 2) c. 1475 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
The Adoration of the Magi (detail 2) c. 1475 - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Portrait of a Man 2 - Alessandro Oliverio
Portrait of a Man 2 - Alessandro Oliverio
Mountainous Landscape c. 1633 - Hercules Seghers
Mountainous Landscape c. 1633 - Hercules Seghers
The Adoration of the Shepherds (detail 9) 1476-79 - Hugo Van Der Goes
The Adoration of the Shepherds (detail 9) 1476-79 - Hugo Van Der Goes
Christ at the Well, c.1560 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Christ at the Well, c.1560 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Portrait of an Unknown Man, 1520 - Joos Van Cleve (Beke)
Portrait of an Unknown Man, 1520 - Joos Van Cleve (Beke)
Portrait of MarieZephyrine 1750-55 of France with her Dog 1751 - Jean-Marc Nattier
Portrait of MarieZephyrine 1750-55 of France with her Dog 1751 - Jean-Marc Nattier
The Annunciation and the Two Saints (detail-2) 1333 - Louis de Silvestre
The Annunciation and the Two Saints (detail-2) 1333 - Louis de Silvestre
Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro (detail) 1523-24 - Fiorentino Rosso
Moses Defending the Daughters of Jethro (detail) 1523-24 - Fiorentino Rosso
Study Of Two Women 1486 - Domenico Ghirlandaio
Study Of Two Women 1486 - Domenico Ghirlandaio
Adoration of the Magi - Gerard David
Adoration of the Magi - Gerard David
The Rest on the Flight to Egypt with Saint Francis 1517, - Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
The Rest on the Flight to Egypt with Saint Francis 1517, - Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
Halberdier 1530s - (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo
Hope, from a series of panels depicting the Virtues designed for the Council Chamber of the Merchants Guild Hall, 1469 - Piero del Pollaiolo
Hope, from a series of panels depicting the Virtues designed for the Council Chamber of the Merchants Guild Hall, 1469 - Piero del Pollaiolo
SS. Vincent of Saragossa, James and Eustace - Piero del Pollaiolo
SS. Vincent of Saragossa, James and Eustace - Piero del Pollaiolo
Portrait of Galeazzo Mario Sforza 1444-76 c.1471 - Piero del Pollaiolo
Three Episodes from the Life of St Benedict (3) 1475 - Neroccio (Bartolommeo) De
Three Episodes from the Life of St Benedict (3) 1475 - Neroccio (Bartolommeo) De' Landi
St John the Baptist 1480s - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
St John the Baptist 1480s - Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro Filipepi)
Self Portrait - Richard Cosway
Self Portrait - Richard Cosway
Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Saints - Jacopo del Casentino Landini
Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Saints - Jacopo del Casentino Landini
St. James with Two Children - Andrea Del Sarto
St. James with Two Children - Andrea Del Sarto
Portraits of Johann I and Frederick III the wise, Electors of Saxony 1533 - Lucas The Elder Cranach
Portraits of Johann I and Frederick III the wise, Electors of Saxony 1533 - Lucas The Elder Cranach
Festival in Honour of the Polish Ambassadors in the Presence of Catherine de Medici 1519-89 and Henri III - Francois, the Elder Quesnel
Festival in Honour of the Polish Ambassadors in the Presence of Catherine de Medici 1519-89 and Henri III - Francois, the Elder Quesnel
The Woman of Samaria at the Well, c.1560 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
The Woman of Samaria at the Well, c.1560 - Jacopo Tintoretto (Robusti)
Angelica and the Moor Medoro - Orazio Fidani
Angelica and the Moor Medoro - Orazio Fidani
Portrait of Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) 1550 - Lucas The Younger Cranach
Portrait of Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) 1550 - Lucas The Younger Cranach

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Noah's Ark 1846 - Edward Hicks
Noah's Ark 1846 - Edward Hicks
Female Nude Raising Her Arm - Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Female Nude Raising Her Arm - Pierre-Paul Prud'hon
Ballet Class 1881 - Edgar Degas
Ballet Class 1881 - Edgar Degas
The Young Amphibians - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
The Young Amphibians - Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Crucifixion Diptych (right panel) c. 1460 - Rogier van der Weyden
Crucifixion Diptych (right panel) c. 1460 - Rogier van der Weyden
The Triumph of Neptune 1634 - Nicolas Poussin
The Triumph of Neptune 1634 - Nicolas Poussin
Portrait of Walt Whitman 1887-88 - Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins
Portrait of Walt Whitman 1887-88 - Thomas Cowperthwait Eakins
In The Luxembourg Gardens - John Singer Sargent
In The Luxembourg Gardens - John Singer Sargent
A woman and child in the driving seat, 1881 - Mary Cassatt
A woman and child in the driving seat, 1881 - Mary Cassatt