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Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy

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Gaston dOrleans 1608-60 as a Child - Frans, the Younger Pourbus
Gaston dOrleans 1608-60 as a Child - Frans, the Younger Pourbus
St. Catherine of Alexandria - Bernardo Strozzi
St. Catherine of Alexandria - Bernardo Strozzi
The Calling of St Peter 1514-16 - Hans Suss von Kulmbach
The Calling of St Peter 1514-16 - Hans Suss von Kulmbach
The Vision of St Hildegard 1098-1179 - Battista Dossi
The Vision of St Hildegard 1098-1179 - Battista Dossi
Christ on the Road to Calvary - Battista Franco
Christ on the Road to Calvary - Battista Franco
Rest During the Flight into Egypt - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
Rest During the Flight into Egypt - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
Musician Angel - Fiorentino Rosso
Portrait of Baldassare Vallombrosano 1500 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Portrait of Baldassare Vallombrosano 1500 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Portrait of a Young Woman - Francesco Furini
Portrait of a Young Woman - Francesco Furini
Portrait of Don Biagio Milanesi 1500 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
Portrait of Don Biagio Milanesi 1500 - Pietro Vannucci Perugino
St Jerome - Garofalo
St Jerome - Garofalo
Cavaliers in Combat - Benigne Gagnereaux
Cavaliers in Combat - Benigne Gagnereaux
Portinari Triptych (left wing) 1487 - Hans Memling
Portinari Triptych (left wing) 1487 - Hans Memling
An device that allowed Archimedes (c.287-12 BC) to drag a ship ashore, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
An device that allowed Archimedes (c.287-12 BC) to drag a ship ashore, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
Christ with the Tribute Money - Garofalo
Christ with the Tribute Money - Garofalo
The Apparition of the Virgin to the Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
The Apparition of the Virgin to the Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist - Dosso Dossi (Giovanni di Niccolo Luteri)
Large pontoon with a device to thrust stakes into the sea-bed, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
Large pontoon with a device to thrust stakes into the sea-bed, Stanza della Mattematica, 1587-1609 - Giulio Parigi
Self Portrait - Giovanna Fratellini
Self Portrait - Giovanna Fratellini
Madonna and Child with Saints John Anna and Rocco 2 - Gaetano Gandolfi
Madonna and Child with Saints John Anna and Rocco 2 - Gaetano Gandolfi
Martyrs - Giovanni Da Milano
Martyrs - Giovanni Da Milano
Venus and Cupid - Andrea Del Verrocchio
Venus and Cupid - Andrea Del Verrocchio
Humilitas Brings a Child Back to Life - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas Brings a Child Back to Life - Pietro Lorenzetti
St Francis of Assissi - Francesco Francia
St Francis of Assissi - Francesco Francia
Portrait of Victor Amedeus II Duke of Savoy 1666-1732 - Giovanna Garzoni
Portrait of Victor Amedeus II Duke of Savoy 1666-1732 - Giovanna Garzoni
Polyptych Quaratesi Mary Magdalene and Nicolas of Bari - Gentile Da Fabriano
Polyptych Quaratesi Mary Magdalene and Nicolas of Bari - Gentile Da Fabriano
Polyptych Quaratesi St John the Baptist and St George - Gentile Da Fabriano
Polyptych Quaratesi St John the Baptist and St George - Gentile Da Fabriano
Madonna and Child with Saints John Anna and Rocco - Gaetano Gandolfi
Madonna and Child with Saints John Anna and Rocco - Gaetano Gandolfi
Humilitas - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas and Ugolotto - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas and Ugolotto - Pietro Lorenzetti
Portrait of a Woman 4 - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Portrait of a Woman 4 - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Saint Nicolas bringing a Child back to Life - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Saint Nicolas bringing a Child back to Life - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Humilitas Reads in the Refectory - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas Reads in the Refectory - Pietro Lorenzetti
Saint Mark the Evangelist - Pietro Lorenzetti
Saint Mark the Evangelist - Pietro Lorenzetti
Saint Luke the Evangelist - Pietro Lorenzetti
Saint Luke the Evangelist - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas Heals the Foot of the Monk - Pietro Lorenzetti
Humilitas Heals the Foot of the Monk - Pietro Lorenzetti
Prudence - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Prudence - Piero del Pollaiuolo
Ugolotto Watched by Humilitas - Pietro Lorenzetti
Ugolotto Watched by Humilitas - Pietro Lorenzetti

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Museum of the day: Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia

Blue Dancers, c.1899 - Edgar Degas
Blue Dancers, c.1899 - Edgar Degas
Allegory On The Peace Of Pressburg 1808 - Andrea, the Elder Appiani
Allegory On The Peace Of Pressburg 1808 - Andrea, the Elder Appiani
Avenue de L'Opera, Paris, 1898 - Camille Pissarro
Avenue de L'Opera, Paris, 1898 - Camille Pissarro
The Incredulity of St Thomas 1634 - Rembrandt Van Rijn
The Incredulity of St Thomas 1634 - Rembrandt Van Rijn
Breakfast-piece 1646 - Pieter Claesz.
Breakfast-piece 1646 - Pieter Claesz.
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Jacob de Vries
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - Jacob de Vries
Alexander Pushkin (1865-1911) at Work, 1899 - Konstantin Andreevic Somov
Alexander Pushkin (1865-1911) at Work, 1899 - Konstantin Andreevic Somov
The Place de Greve, Paris - Nicolas Raguenet
The Place de Greve, Paris - Nicolas Raguenet